Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Brand New Year; Brand New Start.

So hey! The first post for 2014. 
First of first, i would like to say a super later Happy New Year to everyone who'e reading my stupid yet pretty blog. (self compliment) of course for the Chinese, Happy Chinese New Year! Hope y'all had a splashing new year collecting angbaos(red packets) as I did! As usual, I spent my day 1 and 2 in Penang to celebrate. Collected many angbaos but please remember the exchange rate is 2.5. How sad but it wasn't the quantity that matter. What matter is that you spent real good quality time with your relatives who you only get to see like once or twice a year.

the day where I collected my results. I was in mixed emotions. I was prepared for what i'm gonna get but i wasn't prepared that i would get worse than what i thought. Like hey, i did worked hard for O levels but my results were shit. My efforts wasn't paid off.

I was only granted very limited choice of courses and those course that i was granted with, I of course do not like it. I alway told myself this,
"Don't ever let the course choose you."
I decided to take private diploma instead to pursue to something i like. I was considering between LASELLE and SIM. I really love art alot. Since young, but honestly, O level art really killed the hell out of me. I thought of taking fine arts and then i realised Arts in Singapore is way too competitive. I took up management school instead. Yes, SIM. So the following day after I headed down to SIM to register for DMS.( Diploma in Management Studies) Following Natellie's path least I'll be able to ask her for help in future.

From the day i received my results i learnt that never giving up is really important. I can't just sit there and wail like a 3year old kid waiting to be instructed what to do. Besides i'm really going 18. So yeah,


Because when you give up, you can't see the success that you are actually gonna have in the future which God has planned for you. He did every for a reason. So, praise the lord!

I have done registering for my school but that doesn't mean that i'll be accepted in. Let's just wait patiently that i'll be please. 

So let's just say i've been wondering how's life gonna be for me in SIM. I really hope i'll do well for all my modules. Which i really do want. Like hello? The school fees cost a bomb and i don't wanna my mum's money to be a waste. I also wonder how does my future lecturer look like. Will he he/she be old, young, funny, outgoing, strict or whatever you name them.

Or will he be like Mr Fitz? *smirks*

But whatever it is, i hope i'll be happy in SIM. I wish all the best to all my friends for their JAE result which is released in about 12hours. 

God bless. xx

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