Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Some days I feel so fucking shitty and some days I feel like I have everything but it's just not enough to fill up my happiness. Sounds greedy? 

Some days I just feel like getting into my bed just not talk to anyone. Like hey, sorry today's no my day so gtfo that kind of feel? Some days it feels like I have no one to talk to when I know there's always one one out there to listen to my rambling rants. 

Some days I would tell myself, hey it's just the beginning don't give up you can do it. But some other days I would just give up and tell myself that's it's not gonna happen. 

Some days I feel so insignificant to someone's life and they would only need me when they need me as a substitute. Some days you don't know how does it feel to be me to have such rollercoaster feelings unless I express them out.

The reason why I'm back to blogging its because nobody knows I am back to blogging. Okay, I ASSUME most of of my friends dont read it anymore so I'm here to rant my feels on the day. I mean this is where I started off to write my feels when I was younger right? 


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